Sunday, March 27, 2011

letting the past become the past.....

Deep thinking and sleepless nights wondering what I could have done differently in me life drove me to distraction but I finally realized something as I was talking with my sister last night. It will never truly become the past unless I own up to it and come to terms that it happened I can't change it I can't go back I made my choice and now it's time to move on, now because this is very public place seeing as it is the internet I will not go into detail but if you would like to know my story feel free to ask. It is finally time to let it be okay and realize yes I could have stopped and walked away but I didn't so now I have to deal with it and let it become something a lived through and learned from, to stand up and say yes I've been there I've done that and shit happened that I wished hadn't and I refused to talk about it for about three years of life but I am finally getting to a point that I can't talk about it and hopefully one day speak out and help others who went through the same kind of thing. I am in a writing mood so I have decided it's time to start writing out my story in hopes that it might help someone and even if it doesn't my family and friends will none the less have a better understanding of me.

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